
Sunday, October 3, 2010

Good Ole' Boy System Alive and Well in Indiana!

      Not counting the recent Bisard situation in Indianapolis, I am trying to remember a time when a local public official or a group of public officials made a more blatant act of "special treatment" to a "prominent person" than they have this week in Henry County, Indiana.  I mean, granted, what would one expect from a Sheriff named "Butch" and a prosecutor named "Kit"?  Click on the link at the end of my rant and read this story that Fox 59 reported earlier about a cop killing woman who fled the scene of the crime and was interviewed days later (as arranged by some ballwashing attorney) and not arrested.  When it was discovered David Bisard committed a crime, he was in Marion County Jail posting bond less than 48 hours later.  In Bisard's case, thousands of people across the nation are enraged at that special treatment he received.
      According to Fox 59 and the Indianapolis Star, "A Sheriff's detective and State Police detective met the woman Friday at an undisclosed location to take her statement."
      Fox 59 also learned that "investigators were ordered to not arrest the woman by Henry County Sheriff Butch Baker and Henry County Prosecutor Kit Crane, who has been handling the negotiations."
      Sources tell Fox 59 the woman is reportedly a prominent person in the community and gave police a statement Friday.       
      This lady better have some type of diplomatic immunity from another country for this ridiculous order of "not to arrest her" to hold water.  And if she is a state representative/senator who can't be arrested because they are in session and all of that BS, we at least deserve to know who they are.  Those reasons I could at least understand, even if I don't agree with them.  BUT, I highly doubt anyone too prominent is going to be out driving after midnight in an almost 9-year-old Toyota Corolla with a loud muffler.  Maybe she is one of Butch's or Kit's deputies?  If this was just a simple accident like "Oh my God, I didn't see the glow sticks, the flashing lights or yards of reflective material worn by all of the officers on their bikes", then why not stop like a normal person.  Drunk perhaps?  Driving under the influence of a narcotic or illegal drug?  Need some time for it to clear out of your system?  Sure, why not?  Just flee the scene, leave the officer dead and bleeding.  No big deal, just have your scumbag attorney call "Butch" or "Kit" and tell them when you are good and detoxed, you will give them a statement.  Then tell them after that, when you get time, maybe your greaseball attorney can arrange your jail book-in.  Whenever it's convenient for you.  Just call Butch or Kit.  They might be off pitching horseshoes or at the fishing hole, but they will meet you at the jail whenever, ya' hear?
      I didn't grow up in Henry County, but I don't remember any prominent people in my community that had an IQ of less than 60. And I think anyone with an IQ above that would know better than to flee the scene of striking a bicyclist, cop or no cop! 
      Well, it's apparent Butch and his sheriff's posse haven't learned a thing from the David Bisard case.  Some people are above the law and Butch and the boys don't care who knows it.  Hell, they will even announce the fact to the news media.  It will be interesting to see who this person is and what special circumstances makes it so she and her attorney decide when and how she goes to jail for killing a policeman.        

To the family of William Phillips, my thoughts are still with you.  And I promise the ill thoughts of the investigators handling William's case won't overshadow my appreciation for the sacrifice that Officer William Phillips made for the community, the State of Indiana and to the world.


1 comment:

  1. What is up with all of these scandals?? Does corruption really run this deep everywhere???

    Every day there is something in the news with police and government scandals and wrong-doings.
