
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Former Sheridan School Resource Officer Video Released


Former Sheridan School Resource Officer  is so excited about the new school year last fall, that he made a video about it!  Check it out!!


  1. Oh wow, that is totally how Brock was at SHS!!! It even looks like him but much thinner.

  2. Brock is such a tool.

  3. Where are the teenage backup dancers???

  4. I bet when Brock became a "police officer," and they issued him a gun, they also tried to give him a holster. But he said, "Nah, thanks, I can use my bra." MANBOOBS!

  5. He will continue to be what he is. Just moving on from employers who figure out what he really is about !! I worked with him in Whitestown at a building enclosure factory and he has held several positions , not succeeding at any of them. His next move is out the do'.
